Replacing Manual Paperwork
KYC Due Diligence and Compliance eForm

Integra’s Digital Due Diligence KYC eForm revolutionizes the conventional compliance landscape. Bid farewell to the tedious manual paperwork and welcome a seamless, secure digital submission process. Our innovative eForm is meticulously crafted to convert your compliance obligations into an intuitive, paper-free experience, enhancing your operational efficiency and reducing the margin for error. Step into the future with Integra – where compliance is literally, just a click away.

Streamline Your Compliance Process

Seamless Digital Onboarding for Individuals and Corporations

Experience the transformation of compliance with Integra’s Digital Due Diligence KYC eForm. Say goodbye to cumbersome, outdated paper trails and embrace the sophistication of a streamlined, digital experience.

Our advanced eForm simplifies your compliance requirements, turning them into a user-friendly, paperless process that enhances accuracy and operational workflow. Whether you’re onboarding an individual or a corporate entity, our eForm adapts to your specific needs. With separate pathways for natural persons and companies, our system ensures that every detail is tailored to the distinct demands of each. Switch effortlessly between the two, confident that the precision of digital due diligence is at your fingertips. Trust in Integra’s innovative approach to step into a new era of compliance—efficient, error-resistant, and just a click away

Unlock Compliance Efficiency​

Compliance Across Jurisdictions

Navigating the complexities of regulatory compliance and due diligence across any jurisdiction just got simpler. Welcome to Integra’s Digital Due Diligence KYC eForm, crafted to meet the diverse demands of various industries. With our flexible platform, you can manage your regulatory obligations with ease, ensuring full compliance with both local and international regulators and legislation. Experience a tailored, efficient solution that adapts to the specific requirements of your business – wherever you operate.

Comprehensive Data Collection:

From basic identification to complex due diligence data, our eForm collects all necessary information for regulatory compliance.

1-Click Document Uploads

Manage required documents easily through our platform, keeping all compliance materials in one secure place

Industry-Specific Forms

Select your industry and transaction type, and our form will adjust to meet the unique requirements of each sector and deal.

Step into an era of efficiency, security, and convenience designed just for

new era of compliance management

Benefits of Going Digital with Integra

Costing you valuable time, inefficiencies in KYC processes can significantly impact your business. To this end, our platform is developed aligning with the standards set by the Central Bank of Aruba, offering bespoke solutions for unique challenges across multiple sectors.


Transition from time-consuming paperwork to our efficient digital solution, freeing you up to focus on your core tasks

All-In-One Platform

Consolidate all your KYC requirements on a single form, eliminating the hassle of dealing with multiple documents

Efficiency in Compliance

Automate complicated paperwork processes, saving time and minimizing errors. Achieve the highest standards of compliance swiftly and accurately.

Enhanced Security and Transparency

Your data is safe with us. We adhere to the most stringent security protocols to ensure the confidentiality and protection of your data.

tailored to your business

Explore Our Compliance Packages

Unlock the future of compliance with Integra’s revolutionary KYC eForm packages– your epic solution for accuracy and ease tailored to your needs.


This pay-per-submission package ensures you only pay for what you need, providing flexibility and freedom to manage your expenses effectively based on your usage.
  • No Set-up Fee
  • No Monthly Fee
  • 1 Submission Credit
  • Account Creation
  • Access to Standard KYC eForm for Individuals or Corporations
  • Easy Client Onboarding
  • Analysis of Source of Funds and Source of Wealth
  • Post-Submission Compliance Review
  • Detailed Due Diligence Report
  • ** FREE GIFT**
    1 Seat | Integra Online AML Training

Corporate Package

This package ensures efficiency in managing larger volumes of submissions, providing the flexibility to pay upfront for a discounted bulk rate, allowing you to manage your budget.
  • Includes All Features of the Pay Per Submission Package
  • Account Creation
  • Access to Standard KYC eForm for Individuals or Corporations
  • Access to Standard KYC eForm for Individuals or Corporations
  • Easy Client Onboarding
  • Analysis of Source of Funds and Source of Wealth
  • Post-Submission Compliance Review
  • Detailed Due Diligence Report
  • ** FREE GIFT**
    5 SeatS | Integra Online AML Training

Enterprise Package

An exceptional package designed to deliver a branded experience to your clients that is both seamless and professional. The aim is to make your clients feel they are using your in-house developed tool while, in fact, it’s powered by our robust KYC Due Diligence Compliance platform
  • Includes All Features of the Corporate Package
  • Unlimited Submission Credits​
  • Hosted subdomain URL
  • Brand-Specific Domain Name
  • Custom Branding with Logo and Color Scheme
  • Post Submission Compliance Review
  • Integra Support
  • Detailed Due DIlligence Report
  • ** FREE GIFT**
    10 SeatS | Integra Online AML Training

Add-on services

Enhance your Package with Essential Add-ons

In our commitment to provide comprehensive support tailored to your individual needs, we offer a range of essential add-ons that can be seamlessly integrated with any of our packages. From streamlined reporting processes to comprehensive compliance support, our additions ensure that you have all the tools you need to navigate the complexities of AML compliance with confidence. Our key add-ons include:

Fixed Fee FIU/MOT Reporting

Simplify your reporting process at a fixed fee, ensuring no unexpected costs.

Risk Profile Establishment:

Gain insights into your overall risk posture with our expert analysis.

PEP and Sanction List Screening

Opt for pay-per-screening or a fixed fee per submission to meet your unique needs.

Comprehensive Compliance Support

Benefit from dedicated support during transactions, serving as the point of contact with notaries.

Have questions? Book an appointment for a personalized demo today and see how Integra can empower your business to achieve compliance with ease.

Additional Integra Services

Comprehensive Compliance Outsourcing

For businesses seeking an all-encompassing solution to AML compliance, our suite of Compliance Outsourcing Add-ons offers extensive support, with or without our main package options. Whether you’re looking to build your compliance program from the ground up or enhance existing protocols, our specialized services are designed to keep you ahead in an ever-evolving regulatory landscape. Our tailored outsourcing services include:

AML/KYC Courses and Training:

Equip your team with the knowledge they need through our expert-led courses and training modules.

AML/CFT Compliance Manuals:

Receive professional assistance in drafting, reviewing, and updating your AML/CFT Compliance Manual.

Customer Information Management:

Ensure thorough monitoring and maintenance of customer information and documentation.

AML/CFT Program Development:

From setup to continuous improvement, ensure your AML/CFT program meets all regulatory standards.

Business Risk Assessment Support:

Get expert help in drafting, reviewing, and updating your Business Risk Assessment.

Regulatory Point of Contact (POC) Services:

Utilize our expertise to act as your Point of Contact (POC) for all AML/CFT-related matters.

transform your compliance protocol

Simplicity and Efficiency Compliance Efforts

Simplify your compliance with Integra’s Digital Due Diligence KYC eForm. Designed for effortless integration, it’s the perfect fit for legal, real estate, accounting businesses as well as financial institutions. Experience how our solution enhances transparency and efficiency in your operations.

Ready to elevate your compliance strategy? Contact us for a demo now and see the difference Integra can make. Start your journey towards streamlined compliance today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our eForm reinvents the compliance process by leveraging technology to automate and simplify tasks that were historically done manually. This includes everything from collecting comprehensive required data to storing and managing documents in one place. It’s an all-in-one solution designed to save professionals’ time, reduce errors, and streamline their compliance.

Yes, absolutely. Integra’s Digital Due Diligence KYC eForm is designed to seamlessly manage and file KYC documentation for both natural persons and corporate entities. Understanding the distinct differences and requirements for each, our platform offers tailored fields and documentation uploads to ensure comprehensive compliance for any client type. Whether you’re submitting due diligence for an individual or a complex corporation, our eForm adjusts to meet specific regulatory and documentation needs, making it a versatile tool for professionals across various industries.

Absolutely. Recognizing the significant risks associated with doing business with Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), Integra’s Digital Due Diligence KYC eForm includes specific sections designed to identify PEPs as part of its compliance checks. These questions are structured to determine if the individual or any associated parties hold or have held prominent public functions that may categorize them as PEPs. By including such enhanced due diligence questions, our eForm enables businesses to take the necessary steps to manage and mitigate the potential legal and reputational risks associated with PEP-related transactions