Before You Begin - Document Checklist

To ensure a smooth completion of this form, please prepare the applicable documents detailed in the checklist below. Documents should preferably be in PDF format for clear readability, although we do also accept JPEG and PNG formats. Please note that the maximum file size accepted is 5MB per file. Having these documents on hand will expedite the process and help you successfully meet the requirements to submit.

Official Property Documents

  • Reservation Agreement
  • Purchase Agreement
  • Appraisal Report (most recent)
  • Kadastraal Uittreksel

Official Buyer/Seller Documents

  • Passport Buyer/Seller and Spouse 
  • Secondary identification document (driver’s license or ID) Buyer/Seller and Spouse 
  • Proof of residency status;
    • Locals; Censo 5 Florin 
    • Non-Resident; utility bill in the name of the individual – not older than 3 months)

Proof of Earned Revenue

  • Salary;
    • Pay stubs or pay slips
    • Employment contract
    • Bank account statements highlighting salary deposits

  • Business Revenue;
    • Financial statements, including Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet
    • Business tax returns
    • Business registration documents
    • Business Bank account statements
  • Loan;
    • Loan agreement or promissory note
    • Bank or lending institution statements
    • Borrower’s repayment schedule

  • Investment;
    • Stock dividend statements or brokerage account statements
    • Capital gains reports or statements
    • Real estate property rental income receipts or lease agreements
    • Bank interest statements

  • Inheritance;
    • Will or probate documents
    • Trust documents
    • Inheritance tax documents
    • Bank statements showing inheritance funds or
    • Asset transfer documents for inherited property

  • Other Revenue Sources;
    • Freelance work:
    • Invoices, payment receipts, or contracts with clients
    • Royalties: Royalty statements from publishers, agents, or distributors
    • Alimony: Divorce settlement agreements stating alimony amounts, payment records
    • Lottery winnings: Official lottery win confirmation, bank account statements, or winnings declaration and tax payment documentation

Proof of Wealth Sources

  • Family Wealth
    • Family Trust documents Wills and probate documents
    • Family business financial statements
    • Inheritance documentation and bank records of inheritance deposits,
    • Bank statements or other financial documents indicating wealth (assets, properties, investments, etc.)

  • Company Revenue;
    • Current business Profit/Loss Statements Balance Sheets or statement of financial position,
    • Business bank account statements showing revenue deposits,
    • Recent business tax return documents

  • Employment Income;
    • Paystubs, W2s or other wage statements.
    • IRS Form 1099s.
    • Tax filings.
    • Bank statements demonstrating regular income.
    • Attestation from a current or former employer etc.

  • Former Business Ownership;
    • Business registration or incorporation documents;
    • Shares or stock certificates, if the business was a corporation, indicating your ownership stake.
    • Past business tax returns and financial statements (Profit/Loss Account, Balance Sheet)
    • Sale or transfer contract if you sold your stake in the business

  • Real Estate Sale;
    • Sale deed or property transfer documents
    • Bank account statement showing proceeds from the sale Property appraisal report before selling, if available
    • Documentation of property advertising (real estate listing, newspaper ads, online ads), if relevant
    • Real estate agent or broker statement or agreement, if us